Welcome to My site please enjoy and let me know what you think - I do commission work as well - check out my latest episode of "Brett's with Friends " on YouTube - Below is My client Appreciation Video - be sure to turn up the sound music by Paul Chesne and Lukas Nelson cheers, Brett

Brett Woods' artistic vision is a fusion of surrealist & modern Art tendencies. His body of work in various medium, is underscored by a stream-of-consciousness method, and is highlighted by a passion for paint. He takes full advantage of the fluidity and playfulness of this medium to create evocative dreamscapes that celebrate rhythm, cyclical time & surreal texture of his own astral travel experiences. His most recent works on canvas unite scientific and sociologically based concepts of sound, with impressions of musical reverberation, and visual tonality in a series of intriguing landscapes.
Brett sold his first painting when he was thirteen years old and has been developing his own techniques ever since. His creative repertoire has been artistically influenced by a love for music, cinema, journeys to exotic landscapes across the planet, nature, physics and the psychedelic arts. Born in Hillsborough, Oregon on April, 20th 1969 and raised in the San Jose, California, Brett later moved to Venice, Ca where he has exhibited his work in over 100 plus art shows over the past 30 years.
Brett has been an Art teacher for various Art foundationʼs plus tutoring Adults. Brett likes to direct, produce, write, shoot, and act in film projects and enjoyʼs photography as well.
He has also created his own signature Buffalo design for fashion selling well over a 1,000 shirts and hoodies to date. His shirts have been used on television showʼs such as “Itʼs Alwayʼs Sunny in Philadelphia” .
Brett's upcoming work in animation and feature film will explore movement and spatial manipulation, of the organic themes he has already set forth on canvas. Brett has his own podcast that he started in 2020 called "Brett's with Friends" its a free form non scripted show where he talks to creatives about their passions and inspirations. After 3 years and over a 100 podcast episodes Brett has found a fun outlet to connect people together. You can find them on youtube.
To inquire about becoming a collector of Bretts' Work or hire him and/ or to Donate money to his film projects please check out the contact below :)
Please contact him below.